I really didn’t want to watch President Obama’s Oval Office speech last night. The last Oval Office speech I watched was the one George W. Bush gave on March 19, 2003 at the start of the invasion of Iraq. I remember thinking at the time, and telling others too, that he doesn’t care a whit … Read more Obama and the oil leak — update 2 →
Steve Chapman has accused conservatives of being inconsistent in their criticisms of President Obama. He hasn’t been listening very carefully to what they’ve been saying. Read more →
You’ve got to hand it to Barack Obama. He has done something nobody in a million years would have dreamed possible. He’s made the Bush Administration’s handling of the Hurricane Katrina disaster look like the very model of competence and compassion. From the day of the explosion on the Deepwater Horizon on April 20, right … Read more Obama and the oil leak →
Making sense of a world that doesn't